Friday, August 21, 2009

Memo of Integrity --- Controlling the Tongue

Memo of Integrity 8.21.09

Self Control---Part 2
Controlling the Tongue
He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin. (Proverbs 13:3)
Your tongue is a relatively small part of your body, yet it creates most of your problems and is very difficult to control. You can use it to insult, criticize, slander and destroy or you can use it to bless and comfort others. Luke 6:35 says that a person can be judged by what comes out of his mouth, because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Your tongue has more to do with sowing and reaping than any other part of your body. Proverbs 16 says “keep your mouth closed and you will stay out of trouble”. After any controversy, when the smoke clears, it usually points back to those who did not control their tongues. As a business person, it is important that your tongue exposes the control you have and not your impulsiveness. Self-control is controlling the tongue – using it to sow good seeds that will yield a positive harvest.

House Hold Tips
Keep Your Home Safe: Burglary Prevention Tips
Did you know that the majority of burglaries that occur in the United States-nearly 63%-are residential? And of those, the average dollar loss is approximately $1,700. Keep your family and your belongings safe with these prevention tips:
A dark, lifeless house is an open invitation to a burglar - make your home look occupied when you’re not home with lights with automatic timers.
Keep your garage door closed even when you are home. If you keep it open when you are home and closed when you’re gone, a burglar will pick up on that pattern.
Make sure your phone ringer and answering machine cannot be heard from the outside.
When you are out-of-town, have a trusted neighbor check on your house daily and pick up the mail and any newspapers.
Make sure there is good lighting around the outside of your home so there are no dark spots to lurk.
Have a security system with a loud siren and lights installed, so neighbors will be alerted if it were to ever go off. Post decals outside your home warning intruders and remember to periodically check the system to make sure it’s working.
Don’t keep spare keys hidden outside; instead, give one to a trusted neighbor.
Keep all valuables, such as jewelry, in a safe or other secure location in your home.
To protect your electronic data (i.e. photos, financial records, etc.), use backup software on all home computers in case they were ever stolen.
Use deadbolts on all your doors and lock all windows. Most burglars spend an average of only 4 minutes trying to break into a house, so make it as hard as possible.

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